※Shipping service. Special Issue No. 8 = Total Test of the Latest 66 Audio Amp Models (Amp Test Method and Results, Pre-Main Amp Edition, etc.) /See Test Amp Circuits/Published 1968.10.20. The photograph is a sample, so the actual item may be broken or written on it.
※Shipping service. Special Issue No. 10 “= Blind Audition of Speaker Systems/Bookshelf Type Tackling Large Systems/Published 44.4.20. The photograph is a sample, so the actual item may be broken or written on it.
※Shipping service. Special Feature No. 32 = Field Test of the Latest 41 FM Tuner Models/SS Special Present Japan FM Radiation Station/1974.10.1 issue/The photograph is a sample, so the actual item may be broken or written on.
※Shipping service. Special Issue No. 36 = All Speaker Systems (above) Test of the latest 40 models/Sound Quarterly (listen to new products) /1975.10.1 issue. Published models: CHRYSLER/LAB-1000,2000 YAMAHA/NS-451 ALLISON/ONE, TWO SLESTION/UL6, UL8 OMAL/MODEL TL6 CABASSE/BRIGANTIN INFINITI/2000Ⅱ JENSEN/23 YAMAHA/C-1 SANSUI/AU9900,11000, TU9900 LAX/L-80V TECHNICS/ HY-7600,7200, ST-7600,7200 VICTOR/JA-S91, S71, S51, JT-V71, V51 TRIO/KA-7500, KT-7500 DIATONE/DA-U850, DA-F750, DA-U750 GAS/AMPZILA SAE/MARK2500 ALTEC/9440A RADFORD/HD250, ZD22 DENON/DP-1700, DL-109R ,109D DIATONE/DP-91D YAMAHA/YP-600, YP-1000Ⅱ MICRO/TAKE-5 CEC/BD-7000 OTTO/TP-1200 SANSUI/SR-525 GRACE/G714, G704 DUAL/601,1228,1225. The photograph is a sample, so the actual item may be broken or written on it.
※Shipping service. No. 58 Special Feature = 3rd “THE STATE OF THE ART: Supreme Component” Award Selection/New JBL 4345 Detailed Report/EMT927 vs. Torrance Reference/Listen to the Tannoy SRM Series/Infinity “IRS” Anatomy/1981.4.15 issued. Posted models: JBL/4345BWX MCINTOSH/MC2500 VICTOR/TT-801, CL-P10, TS-1 MICRO/SX-8000, HS-80 ONKYO/INTEGRA P-309, INTEGRA M-509 MARK LEVINSON/ML-6AL AUDI-Technica/AT-34E11 ENTRE/EC-30 SME/3012-R SPECIAL TECHNICS/EPC-C100CMK3 FIDELTY RESEARCH/XF-1 SELLESION/DITTON300 KEF/MODEL105.4 KENWOOD/L-08C, L-08M PIONEER/A-980 SANSUI/AU-D907F SONY/TA-AX8 LO-D/TU-1000 LUXMAN/PD300 ADC/ASTRION LINN/ASAK/ S56.4.15 issued. The photograph is a sample, so the actual product may be broken, or there may be markings etc.
※Shipping service. No. 66 Special Feature = Exploring the Appeal of the '83 “NEW” Speaker with 2 Audition Tests/Micro 1500 Series Thorough Study/Visit to the Tannoy Club. S58.4.15 issued. The photo is a sample, so the actual item may be broken, have marks, etc.
※Shipping service. No. 68 special feature = currently searching for CD sounds! Listen to the sounds of 5 critics/Jazz's prestigious Blue Note refound/special report/E-V Patrician2/Mark Levinson LNP-2 story/JBL4343 research one after another /published on 1983.10/15. Published models: ELECTRO VOICE/PATRICIAN2 TANNOY/STIRING MICRO/SZ-1TVSZ (VG), SZ-1M AUDIO RESEARVH/D70 B&O/MS150-2, BEOGRAM8002, BEOGRAM6002 MICRO/SX-111FVROGERS/PM510S2 ONKYO/MONITOR2000 PIONEER/S9500 SONY /APM55W SPENDOR/LS3/5A, SP1DENON/POA1500, PRA1000 BEL/MODEL 2002 SPECTRAL/DMC10 AUDONIX/TK2200 DB SYSTEM/DB-1B GOLDBUG/ELECTRO2 ADC/TRX1, TRX2 ELECTRO ACCOUSTIC/EMC1 DONON/AU1000 The photo is a sample, so the actual item may be broken, have marks, etc.
※Shipping service. No. 71 Special Feature = New Wave Speakers Building a New Generation of Quality Audio/Answering the Audio Conundrum You Want to Know the Most Right Now (top) /'84 Best Buy Component by Readers' Vote/ Introducing a Tubular EQ Amplifier from Altphone /Published on 1984.7.15. Published models: JADIS/JP80, JA30, JA200 MARANTZ/CD84 PIONEER/P-D90 YAMAHA/CD2 REVOX/B225 DENNSEN/JC80 ACOUSTAT/TNT120, TNP FOSTEX/GZ2001 BEVERIDGE/SYSTEM 5 INFINITY/RS2A LUXMAN/MB300 PIONEER/A150D AR/AR TURNTABLE SPEX/SDX3000, SDT3000 MICRO/MT500, MT1000L/H AKG/P100 LIMITED The photo is a sample, so the actual item may be broken, have marks, etc.
※Shipping service. No. 73 Special Feature = '84 Components of the Year/ 435 Best Buys/ Goldmund's Super Dreadnought Player Appearance/Published on 1985.1.15. The photo is a sample, so the actual item may be broken, have marks, etc.
※Shipping service. No. 87 Special Feature = Speakers from Around the World Listen to Their New Appeals/Total Test of 65 Representative Models/Exploring Know-how for Making Speaker Enclosures/Published on 1988.7.15. The photo is a sample, so the actual item may be broken, have marks, etc.
※Shipping service. No. 126 Special Issue 1 = Pleasures of Near Field Listening [System Configuration Edition] Special Feature 2 = Invitation to Tallboy Speaker Thorough Audition/Nautilus Warriors Chronicle/Introduction to Multiple Amps, published on 1998/4/15. Since the photograph is a sample, the actual product may be broken or there may be markings etc.
※Shipping service. No. 132 Special Feature = Listen to on SACD & CD Latest Amplifier 39 Models/DVD Audio Player Announcement/Wilson Audio System6 Detailed Report/1999.10.15 Issued. Since the photograph is a sample, the actual product may be broken, written, etc.
※Shipping service. Special Issue No. 134 = Sound System Design in the Super CD & Multi-channel Audio Era, Immortal Analog/Power Basic Course, Detailed Report by Claire MRS (with test tables for each company's subwoofers) /Revell Audio Visit Diary, published on 2000.7.15. Since the photograph is a sample, the actual item may be broken or have markings etc.
※Shipping service. No. 138 Special Feature = Audio Style 2001/Audition of 13 Phono Equalizer Amplifiers/Exciting Report: Model 4704 PiTracer, SA14/2001.4.15 issued. Since the photograph is a sample, the actual item may be broken or there may be markings etc.
※Shipping service. No. 139 Special Feature = TOP PICK 36 BEST COMPONENTS/SERIAL: Immortal Analog Audio/Multi-Channel Frontline/Published 2001.7.15. Since the photograph is a sample, the actual item may be broken or there may be markings etc.