Disposal prices have been reduced. Member discounts are not applicable. 2023/8/23 Sales price 598,000 yen Maintenance completed! A record player system with a Grado Signature Lab.Standard tone arm attached to Yamaha's popular player GT-2000x. The arm has a unique structure with an S shape from above and from the side. There is a height difference of about 4 cm between the trace position and the base of the arm shaft, which has a big impact. The lifter is also comfortable to operate. The dust cover (custom) fits the arm, and the back is designed to be tall. The exterior and arm base are made of wood, and there is a lot of white rust on the back side of the platter turntable (Kobayashi Hitoshi)
Maintenance information: 2023.8.23 Maintained (arm baseboard cleaning/oil finish. Motor bearing cleaning lubricant. Arm Lifter Grease Up Disassemble and clean the arm. Arm pivot inspection and cleaning. Replace the electrolytic capacitor, film capacitor, semi-fixed resistor, and XLR connector (back power terminal). Check turntable rotation speed, arm operation, and needle pressure. (Exterior cleaning, sound output test, and other operation confirmation)
Accessories: copy of instruction manual, 1 pair of platter hangbolts
Main Specifications: Tone Arm Static Dynamic Balance Type Total Length 310 mm Running Length 239 mm Overhang 17 mm Needle Pressure Range 0 to 2.5 g Arm Base Hole 31 mm Cartridge Self Weight 3 to 15 g Phono Motor DC 4 Phase 8 Pole Coreless Hole Motor Bidirectional Quartz PLL Direct Drive 37.4 cm Forged Aluminum 5.8 kg Turntable Size W547 x H312 x D419 mm Weight 34.0 kg