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This item has been sold.You can't purchase now. 24-20368-25560-60
Price: JPY 4,545 Sold Out
Arrival: 2024-11-17 13:43:33
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー(HA 赤盤 MONO)5枚セット
Arrival: 2024-11-14 13:00:09
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラー大全集第2巻 ベートーヴェン(2)5枚組
Arrival: 2024-10-21 13:29:37
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラー ワーグナー楽劇「トリスタンとイゾルデ」全曲 5枚組
Price: JPY 4,545
Arrival: 2024-09-14 13:00:20
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー バッハ マタイ受難曲、グルック歌劇オルフェオとエウリディーチェ全曲5枚セット
Arrival: 2024-09-01 13:03:06
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術・第10巻 ワーグナー楽劇「トリスタンとイゾルデ」全曲 5枚組
Arrival: 2024-08-14 13:00:26
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術・第1巻 「交響曲・序曲集」 9枚組
Arrival: 2024-08-14 13:00:22
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 9 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術・第2・3巻  9枚セット
Arrival: 2024-08-14 13:00:23
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 9 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術・第4・5巻  9枚セット
Arrival: 2024-08-14 13:00:24
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 9 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術・第6巻 「協奏曲集」 5枚組
Arrival: 2024-08-14 13:00:25
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2024-08-19 14:04:26
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術 第1巻ベートヴェン「交響曲・序曲集」9枚セット
Arrival: 2024-08-02 13:00:05
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 9 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー(フランスEMI References輸入盤)5枚セット
Arrival: 2024-07-25 13:00:54
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー ブルックナー交響曲第7、8、9番5枚セット
Arrival: 2024-07-22 13:24:04
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2024-07-20 13:00:21
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2024-07-20 13:00:19
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2024-07-20 13:00:17
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 8 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラー指揮 ワーグナー楽劇「ニーベルングの指環」全曲(イタリア盤)18枚組
Price: JPY 26,182
Arrival: 2024-07-20 13:00:13
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラー指揮 ワーグナー楽劇「ニーベルングの指環」全曲 19枚組
Price: JPY 8,636
Arrival: 2024-07-20 13:00:11
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 19 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー ワーグナー楽劇ニュルンベルクのマイスタージンガー全曲5枚組
Arrival: 2024-07-19 13:00:09
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー ワーグナー楽劇トリスタンとイゾルデ全曲(東京芝浦電気初期。MONO)6枚組
Arrival: 2024-07-19 13:00:08
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 6 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術第6巻 協奏曲集 (1939〜54年録音)5枚組
Arrival: 2024-07-18 13:02:43
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー ワーグナー楽劇トリスタンとイゾルデ全曲(アメリカ盤、RCA初期MONO)5枚組
Price: JPY 7,273
Arrival: 2024-07-17 13:00:04
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2024-07-09 13:32:39
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術第3巻 グルックよりスメタナまで 交響曲・管弦楽曲集5枚組
Arrival: 2024-07-08 13:06:49
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2024-06-25 13:05:04
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラー ワーグナー楽劇ニーベルングの指環全曲EMI(HMV)(GT.BRITAIN盤)18枚組
Price: JPY 24,545
Arrival: 2024-06-10 14:54:58
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 18 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラー ワーグナー楽劇ワルキューレ全曲(angel赤盤)5枚組
Arrival: 2024-06-10 13:29:11
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
フルトヴェングラーの芸術第1巻 ベートーヴェン 交響曲、序曲集9枚組
Arrival: 2024-04-29 13:04:39
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 9 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2024-04-09 13:03:56
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2024-04-04 13:00:06
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, titles may be duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー ベートーヴェン交響曲、序曲集9枚組
Arrival: 2024-03-21 14:03:28
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 9 junk records. It's all about the photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, titles may be duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Wilhelm Furtwangle IN MEMORIAM(ドイツ盤)5枚組
Arrival: 2024-03-14 13:00:00
[Junk items (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, titles may be duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2023-08-28 13:03:53
[Junk goods (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Price: JPY 4,545
Arrival: 2023-08-11 13:00:00
[Junk goods (not applicable to membership discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there may be cases where the titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Price: JPY 4,545
Arrival: 2023-07-15 13:00:21
[Junk goods (not applicable to membership discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there may be cases where the titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2023-06-27 13:07:17
[Junk goods (not applicable to membership discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Liners and other accessories have not been checked. Also, there may be cases where the titles are duplicated. Please be aware in advance.
Arrival: 2023-06-19 13:01:12
[Junk items (not applicable to membership discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware of this.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー 5つの”第九”10枚セット
Arrival: 2023-04-03 13:16:25
[Junk items (not applicable to membership discounts)] This is a set of 10 junk records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware of this.
Arrival: 2023-01-29 13:00:11
[Junk items (not applicable to membership discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware of this.
Arrival: 2023-03-15 14:26:25
[Junk items (not applicable to membership discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware of this.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー ベートーヴェン交響曲集5枚セット
Arrival: 2022-12-21 13:12:18
[Junk items (not applicable to membership discounts)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners have not been checked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please be aware of this.
Arrival: 2022-06-15 13:00:45
[Junk goods (not applicable to member discounts)] This is a set of 6 junk records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners are unchecked. Also, there are cases where titles are duplicated. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
Arrival: 2022-03-08 13:02:41
[Junk goods (member discount not applicable)] This is a set of 7 junk records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners have not been checked. Also, there may be duplicate titles. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
Arrival: 2021-11-24 15:31:38
[Junk goods (member discount not applicable)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the records in photos. Accessories such as liners are unchecked. Also, there may be duplicate titles. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
Arrival: 2021-11-22 13:37:26
[Junk goods (member discount not applicable)] This is a set of 5 junk records. It's all about the records in photos. Accessories such as liners are unchecked. Also, there may be duplicate titles. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
Arrival: 2021-10-28 16:16:15
[Junk goods (member discount not applicable)] It will be a set of 5 pieces of Junk Records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners are unchecked. Also, there may be duplicates of titles. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
ヴィルヘルム・フルトヴェングラー 歌劇フィガロの結婚全曲3枚組
Arrival: 2021-10-27 13:42:36
[Junk goods (member discount not applicable)] It will be a set of 3 pieces of Junk Records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners are unchecked. Also, there may be duplicates of titles. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
Arrival: 2021-10-25 15:02:21
[Junk goods (member discount not applicable)] It will be a set of 5 pieces of Junk Records. It's all about photo records. Accessories such as liners are unchecked. Also, there may be duplicates of titles. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
Sold OutSold Out